VCU Brandcenter: Live Client Brief
Creative Brand Managers: Ora Watanatham
Art Director: Caitlin Kreinheder | Copywriter: Jack Franco | Designer: Michelle Chiu
Tools: Figma
For this project, we worked with one of Hasbro's division, Hasbro Gaming.
Hasbro Gaming is a division of Hasbro that focuses specifically on the development, production, and distribution of board games, card games, and other gaming-related products. It encompasses a wide range of popular games, including classics like Monopoly, Scrabble, and Risk, as well as newer titles and variations of existing games.
My role in this project was elevating Hasbro's D2C platform as the playground for board game enthusiasts. I enhanced their platform from merely facilitating transactions to becoming a space for immersive gameplay experiences.
Due to a NDA, I’m not allowed to share full details of the project, but do reach out to me at michchiu912@gmail.com for more information on my role in this project.


Persona Quiz
Users can take the board game persona quiz for game recommendations.

Loyal Program: Leader Board
The leader board shows top scorers from points earned in the mission's tab.

Loyalty Program: Missions
Completing missions give users points to be included in the leader board and coins which can be used to redeem rewards.

Loyalty Program: Rewards
Users can redeem rewards by using coins earned from completing missions.

The Forum is a place where users can join the community, find answers, chat about games, and share their love for board games.

The Fun's section is a video platform where users can watch videos posted by the community.

Process and Reflection
Although I cannot go too in depth of the research and process due to a NDA, but I had a lot of fun designing a desktop platform for Hasbro. I studied and pulled a lot of references from popular websites and merged the best design elements from each reference together to create this website for Hasbro.
Lessons and skills I learned from this project:
I am someone guilty of keeping 40+ tabs open, so creating a separate fresh window dedicated to a project keeps me organized and focused.
It is scary how quickly I accumulate tabs on my window when gathering design references.
VCU Brandcenter: Live Client Brief
Creative Brand Managers: Ora Watanatham
Art Director: Caitlin Kreinheder | Copywriter: Jack Franco | Designer: Michelle Chiu
Tools: Figma
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